Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Life : One Moment at A Time!

In the current context of life around, there is no present, only the recent
past and the immediate future.
The mind lives in tomorrows whereas life is possible only in the present.
Lagging behind or rushing ahead is the problem. Live the moment, as it
is and as you are.
We can never have two moments in our hands, only one single moment.
The choice is ours , to live it or think. Subsequently, life reduces
to small moments that 'take our breath away'. The moments are not
special. Its our choice of living those moments that make them
Life is an artistic journey through time. a symphony, a painting, a
poetic treat ... a free flowing dance piece.Every moment is a
different musical note, a different brush stroke, a different verse and
a different step.A miss of any of these creates disturbance in the
respective art. Same is with the journey of life. Each moment is to be
lived to make life a beautiful master piece.
Life is not a 'to-do' list.Its a celebration of existence.This does
not mean stopping and pushing work aside.Work should be a part
of that existence, very much like singing and dancing.Work is not a
burden on our existence.Flowers bloom, birds chirp and rivers flow.
It is not a burden they carry.It is a part of their celebration of
"Life is a celebration, a festivity. It is really a great feast, a
blissful festivity. It is not a homework, not a task that has to be
performed. Every moment is a celebration!"

1 comment:

  1. This is actually true. Most people including me make life a to-do list.
    I like the part where you talk about certain moments that 'take our breath away'. It's just as if time freezes for a second or so!
    Cheers for Life :D
