Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The real 'Theory of Relativity'!

Everyone has heard or read about the famous 'Theory of Relativity' by Albert Einstein, one of the greats of the 21st Century. His explanation all point towards relativity in terms of space. One fine one fine state of thoughts lead me to 'this' particular theory of 'this' particular person. And my interest in the thoughts of the human mind led me to amalgamate the renowned theory with my interest...leading to a brand new realization.
The human mind works quite like everything else...very relative in nature. So many times we find instances where something that is so easy n enjoyable for someone is at the same instant so undoable n laborious for someone else.
Isn't everything around us relative to who we are...what we we are!!!

Positive-Negative...Good-Bad...Enjoyable-Painful...Like-Unlike...Easy-Difficult...Love-Hate...Strength-Weakness...Perfection-Imperfection! (etc.etc.)
All of them are so relative to the human mind. They do not contain any Eternal Truth or Fact about them...they are just perceived adjectives...of anything.
I fail to understand how so much emphasis of something being right is directly proportional to the number of people supporting it. There is no hard bound rule defined for any adjective...there can't be...!
Ain't it much easier to just see or believe things to be as they are...without adding any unnecessary added on information to them. Let things just be.
I'm just putting old wine in a new bottle. I don't believe there is nothing new to add...I don't believe there is any knowledge(don't read technological!) not attained by man.
The human 'Theory of Relativity' as I would put it would state:
" Every human understands n perceives things not as they are, but as they want to. Acceptance of everything as it perhaps the ultimate salvation!"
There is such a common phrase 'Beauty Lies in The Eyes of The Beholder'...which when simply put it sees what one wants hears what one wants to...! Therefore everything that one sees or hears becomes very relative to the person.
"That's true for you but not for me!"
Our own cognitive bias prevents us from the ultimate realization!
There is no true or false(right or wrong)...All points of view are equally valid and invalid.
All is relative...not in an absolute way...but in a relative way!
Everything is Right...Everything is Wrong! Why not remove all contradictions and and simply state :
'Everything Is!'

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